Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Graphviz interface.
import os
import platform
import sys
from subprocess import Popen
import subprocess
import shlex

from . import cli

win32 = sys.platform == 'win32'

[docs] def is_unicode(s): # pragma: nocover """Test unicode with py3 support. """ try: return isinstance(s, unicode) except NameError: return False
[docs] def to_bytes(s): # pragma: nocover """Convert an item into bytes. """ if isinstance(s, bytes): return s if isinstance(s, str) or is_unicode(s): return s.encode("utf-8") try: return unicode(s).encode("utf-8") except NameError: return str(s).encode("utf-8")
[docs] def cmd2args(cmd): """Prepare a command line for execution by Popen. """ if isinstance(cmd, str): return cmd if win32 else shlex.split(cmd) return cmd
[docs] def pipe(cmd, txt): """Pipe `txt` into the command `cmd` and return the output. """ return Popen( cmd2args(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=win32 ).communicate(txt)[0]
[docs] def dot(src, **kw): """Execute the dot command to create an svg output. """ cmd = "dot -Gstart=1 -T%s" % kw.pop('T', 'svg') for k, v in list(kw.items()): if v is True: cmd += " -%s" % k else: cmd += " -%s%s" % (k, v) return pipe(cmd, to_bytes(src))
[docs] def call_graphviz_dot(src, fmt): """Call dot command, and provide helpful error message if we cannot find it. """ try: svg = dot(src, T=fmt) except OSError as e: # pragma: nocover if e.errno == 2: cli.error(""" cannot find 'dot' pydeps calls dot (from graphviz) to create svg diagrams, please make sure that the dot executable is available on your path. """) raise return svg
[docs] def in_wsl(): """Are we running under wsl? """ return 'microsoft-standard' in platform.uname().release
[docs] def display_svg(kw, fname): # pragma: nocover """Try to display the svg file on this platform. Note that this is also used to display PNG files, despite the name. """ display = kw['display'] if not display: display = os.getenv('PYDEPS_DISPLAY', os.getenv('BROWSER', None)) if not display: cli.verbose("Displaying:", fname) if sys.platform == 'win32': os.startfile(fname) else: if sys.platform == "darwin": display = "open" elif in_wsl(): # this is still borked... display = "/usr/bin/wslview" else: display = "xdg-open" subprocess.check_call([display, fname]) else: cli.verbose(display + " " + fname) subprocess.check_call([display, fname])