Source code for pydeps.render_context

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
from io import StringIO
from contextlib import contextmanager
import textwrap
import enum

[docs] def to_unicode(s): try: return unicode(s) except NameError: return s
[docs] class Rankdir(enum.Enum): BOTTOM_TOP = 'BT' TOP_BOTTOM = 'TB' LEFT_RIGHT = 'LR' RIGHT_LEFT = 'RL'
[docs] def reverse(self): return Rankdir(self.value[::-1])
[docs] class RenderContext(object): def __init__(self, out=None, reverse=False, rankdir=Rankdir.TOP_BOTTOM): self.out = out self.fp = StringIO() self.fillcolor = '#ffffff' self.fontcolor = '#000000' = None self.concentrate = None self.compound = None self.width = 0.75 self.reverse = reverse self.rankdir = rankdir
[docs] @contextmanager def graph(self, **kw): """Set up a graphviz graph context. """ = kw.get('name', 'G') self.fillcolor = kw.get('fillcolor', '#ffffff') self.fontcolor = kw.get('fontcolor', '#000000') if kw.get('concentrate', True): self.concentrate = 'concentrate = true;' else: self.concentrate = '' self.compound = 'compound = true;' if kw.get('compound') else '' self.dedent(""" digraph {} {{ {self.concentrate} {self.compound} rankdir = {self.rankdir.value}; node [style=filled,fillcolor="{self.fillcolor}",fontcolor="{self.fontcolor}",fontname=Helvetica,fontsize=10]; """.format(self=self)) yield self.writeln('}')
[docs] def text(self): """Get value of output stream (StringIO). """ if self.out: self.out.close() # pragma: nocover return self.fp.getvalue()
[docs] def write_rule(self, a, b, **attrs): """a -> b [a1=x,a2=y]; """ if self.reverse: a, b = b, a with self.rule(): self.write('%s -> %s' % (self._nodename(a), self._nodename(b))) # remove default values from output self._delattr(attrs, 'weight', 1) self._delattr(attrs, 'minlen', 1) self._delattr(attrs, 'len', 1) self.write_attributes(attrs)
[docs] def write_node(self, a, **attrs): """a [a1=x,a2=y]; """ with self.rule(): nodename = self._nodename(a) self.write(nodename) # remove default values from output self._delattr(attrs, 'label', nodename) self._delattr(attrs, 'fillcolor', self.fillcolor) self._delattr(attrs, 'fontcolor', self.fontcolor) self._delattr(attrs, 'width', self.width) self.write_attributes(attrs)
# -- end of external/public interface --
[docs] def write(self, txt): """Write ``txt`` to file and output stream (StringIO). """ self.fp.write(to_unicode(txt)) if self.out: self.out.write(txt) # pragma: nocover
[docs] def writeln(self, txt): """Write ``txt`` and add newline. """ self.write(txt + '\n')
[docs] def dedent(self, txt): """Write ``txt`` dedented. """ self.write(textwrap.dedent(txt))
[docs] def write_attributes(self, attrs): """Write comma separated attribute values (if exists). """ if attrs: self.write( ' [' + ','.join('%s="%s"' % kv for kv in sorted(attrs.items())) + ']' ) else: # pragma: nocover pass
def _nodename(self, x): """Return a valid node name. """ return x.replace('.', '_') def _delattr(self, attr, key, value): if attr.get(key) == value: del attr[key]
[docs] @contextmanager def rule(self): """Write indented rule. """ self.write(' ') yield self.writeln(';')
[docs] class RenderBuffer(object): def __init__(self, target, reverse=False, rankdir=Rankdir.TOP_BOTTOM, cluster=False, min_cluster_size=0, max_cluster_size=1, keep_target_cluster=False, collapse_target_cluster=False, remove_islands=False, **kw): = target self.nodes = [] self.rule_nodes = set() self.clusters = defaultdict(list) self.rules = {} self.reverse = reverse self.rankdir = Rankdir(rankdir) if self.reverse: self.rankdir = self.rankdir.reverse() self.cluster = cluster self.min_cluster_size = min_cluster_size self.max_cluster_size = max_cluster_size self.graph_attrs = {} self.keep_target_cluster = keep_target_cluster self.collapse_target_cluster = collapse_target_cluster self.remove_islands = remove_islands def _nodecolor(self, n): for node, attrs in self.nodes: if node == n: return attrs['fillcolor'] return '#000000'
[docs] def cluster_stats(self): maxnodes = max(len(v) for v in self.clusters.values()) minnodes = min(len(v) for v in self.clusters.values()) return minnodes, maxnodes
def _remove_small_clusters(self): # remove clusters that are too small target_cluster = self._target_clusterid() _remove = [] for clusterid, nodes in sorted(self.clusters.items()): if clusterid == target_cluster: # Target cluster must always be there, don't remove it even if it's small. We can get here # when --collapse-target-cluster flag is used. continue if len(nodes) < self.min_cluster_size: # print("REMOVING:CLUSTER:", clusterid, nodes) self.nodes += nodes _remove.append(clusterid) for _r in _remove: del self.clusters[_r] def _collapse_cluster(self, clusterid, nodes): """Add a single cluster node (with a label listing contents?) and change all rules to reference this node instead. """ first_node, first_attrs = nodes[0] first_attrs['shape'] = 'folder' first_attrs['label'] = clusterid self.nodes.append((clusterid, first_attrs)) for node, attrs in nodes: # for each node in this cluster # check all rules for in/out relations rules = list(self.rules.items()) self.rules = {} for (a, b), rule_attrs in rules: # orig = (a, b) if a == node: a = clusterid if b == node: b = clusterid # if orig != (a, b): # print("CHANGED[{}|{}]: {} TO {}".format(clusterid, node, orig, (a, b))) self.rules[(a, b)] = rule_attrs del self.clusters[clusterid]
[docs] def triage_clusters(self): target_cluster = self._target_clusterid() if not self.collapse_target_cluster and not self.keep_target_cluster: # don't put nodes from the target into a cluster self.nodes += self.clusters[target_cluster] del self.clusters[target_cluster] self._remove_small_clusters() # collapse target cluster if requested if self.collapse_target_cluster: self._collapse_cluster(target_cluster, self.clusters[target_cluster]) # collapse clusters that are too big for clusterid, nodes in sorted(self.clusters.items()): if len(nodes) > self.max_cluster_size and clusterid != target_cluster: self._collapse_cluster(clusterid, nodes)
[docs] def text(self): ctx = RenderContext(reverse=self.reverse, rankdir=self.rankdir) if self.cluster: self.triage_clusters() if self.clusters: # are there any clusters left after triage? self.graph_attrs['compound'] = True self.graph_attrs['concentrate'] = False with ctx.graph(**self.graph_attrs): clusters = set() for clusterid, nodes in sorted(self.clusters.items()): clusters.add(clusterid) ctx.writeln('subgraph cluster_%s {' % clusterid) ctx.writeln(' label = %s;' % clusterid) for n, attrs in nodes: ctx.write_node(n, **attrs) ctx.writeln('}') # non-clustered nodes for n, attrs in sorted(self.nodes, key=lambda x: x[0].lower()): ctx.write_node(n, **attrs) intercluster = set() for (a, b), attrs in sorted(self.rules.items(), key=lambda x: (x[0][0].lower(), x[0][1].lower())): # sort by node name if a == b: continue cida = self._clusterid(a) cidb = self._clusterid(b) if cida == cidb: if self.reverse: attrs['fillcolor'] = self._nodecolor(b) else: attrs['fillcolor'] = self._nodecolor(a) ctx.write_rule(a, b, **attrs) elif cida in clusters and cidb in clusters: if (cida, cidb) not in intercluster: intercluster.add((cida, cidb)) if self.reverse: attrs['lhead'] = 'cluster_' + cida attrs['ltail'] = 'cluster_' + cidb attrs['fillcolor'] = self._nodecolor(b) else: attrs['ltail'] = 'cluster_' + cida attrs['lhead'] = 'cluster_' + cidb attrs['fillcolor'] = self._nodecolor(a) ctx.write_rule(a, b, **attrs) else: if cida in clusters: if self.reverse: attrs['lhead'] = 'cluster_' + cida else: attrs['ltail'] = 'cluster_' + cida if cidb in clusters: if self.reverse: attrs['ltail'] = 'cluster_' + cidb else: attrs['lhead'] = 'cluster_' + cidb if self.reverse: attrs['fillcolor'] = self._nodecolor(b) else: attrs['fillcolor'] = self._nodecolor(a) ctx.write_rule(a, b, **attrs) return ctx.text()
[docs] @contextmanager def graph(self, **kw): self.graph_attrs.update(kw) yield
def _clusterid(self, n): return n.split('.')[0]
[docs] def write_node(self, n, **attrs): if self.remove_islands and n not in self.rule_nodes: return clusterid = self._clusterid(n) if self.cluster: self.clusters[clusterid].append((n, attrs)) else: self.nodes.append((n, attrs))
[docs] def write_rule(self, a, b, **attrs): self.rule_nodes.add(a) self.rule_nodes.add(b) self.rules[(a, b)] = attrs
def _target_clusterid(self): return self._clusterid(